Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology in Medical Equipment

Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology in Medical Equipment

Today, ultrasonic cleaning technology is developing rapidly, especially in cleaning medical devices, because medical devices often have holes, grooves, slits, deep cavities, micro-holes, blind holes, dark holes, etc. We no longer have to realize that traditional scrubbing methods are not effective. We have to know that in the ultrasound method, the area can be cleaned as long as Cavitation (Cavitation “bubbles” form when sonic energy creates a void (or cavity) which gets trapped as a bubble in a liquid solution of water or solvent. These microscopic bubbles implode with such force that contaminants adhering to surfaces are dislodged. Ultrasonic cleaning machines scrub surfaces clean through implosions of tiny bubbles.) bubbles can enter. In addition, equipment is often made of metal, glass, plastic, and other materials with a strong sound reflection, and their effect is more obvious. Therefore, compared to the traditional cleaning method, ultrasonic cleaning is very useful for cleaning medical equipment.

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