What should we do when using an ultrasonic cleaner?

What should we do when using an ultrasonic cleaner?

When using any electronic device, it is essential to observe some points. Some of these critical points are given below.
  1. Please do not run the cleaner continuously for more than one hour because it can damage the internal components.
  2. Do not operate the unit without fluid in the tank.
  3. Do not drop any item into the tank because it may damage the transducer. So always place items gently into the tank and use the basket whenever possible.
  4. Unplug the power source while filling or emptying the tank.
  5. Do not spray water or liquid over the device and the control panel.
  6. Do not operate the cleaner without proper grounding.
  7. Always turn the heater off after using it, as leaving it on can make the fluid evaporate and damage the internal components.

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